Hello All,
Very excited to report the rivet machines have arrived, and they are awesome! It took the best of 5 of us to haul each 900lb machine into Roost HQ. Happy to report no backs were hurt and the machines work perfectly. Check out the photo collage.
Production updates:
All August Orders of the Roost have shipped!** (Thats 800 of 2400 Roosts out the door!) (... annnd only 1.5 months late, your patience and understanding has been greatly appreciated as we have thunked, hammered, glued, drilled our way around countless first-time production issues).
**No All White Roosts have shipped yet. The All White Roosts are half way through production and will be shipping mid-next week. We have learned it is best to run batches of 250 per week, so we shut down the Black and Colored Roost production line for 1 week and are cranking out All White Roosts. Also the special 11" Roosts will start next week as well. We will follow up by email within 1 week of your Roost shipment date.
Sept and Oct Deliveries: We are currently at a 4 week delay from your scheduled month, but Sept Roosts are starting on the laser cutter today!
And finally, we love hearing how you use the Roost! Please hit us up on facebook and twitter with any photos, stories, life improvements, you name it!
Like us on facebook: facebook.com/therooststand
Tweet us: twitter.com/theRoostStand
Thanks again for the great support, we've got wind in the sails here, and are excited to get you your Roosts!

Hello All,
Very excited to report the rivet machines have arrived, and they are awesome! It took the best of 5 of us to haul each 900lb machine into Roost HQ. Happy to report no backs were hurt and the machines work perfectly. Check out the photo collage.
Production updates:
All August Orders of the Roost have shipped!** (Thats 800 of 2400 Roosts out the door!) (... annnd only 1.5 months late, your patience and understanding has been greatly appreciated as we have thunked, hammered, glued, drilled our way around countless first-time production issues).
**No All White Roosts have shipped yet. The All White Roosts are half way through production and will be shipping mid-next week. We have learned it is best to run batches of 250 per week, so we shut down the Black and Colored Roost production line for 1 week and are cranking out All White Roosts. Also the special 11" Roosts will start next week as well. We will follow up by email within 1 week of your Roost shipment date.
Sept and Oct Deliveries: We are currently at a 4 week delay from your scheduled month, but Sept Roosts are starting on the laser cutter today!
And finally, we love hearing how you use the Roost! Please hit us up on facebook and twitter with any photos, stories, life improvements, you name it!
Like us on facebook: www.facebook.com/therooststand
Tweet us: www.twitter.com/theRoostStand
Thanks again for the great support, we've got wind in the sails here, and are excited to get you your Roosts!
The Riveters Arriving
The elusive All White Roosts spotted!