Since our inception, the Roost has evolved in design and functionality to adapt to the demands of our customers. From popsicle sticks, to the original CAD mockups, to the kickstarter model, to the 11" MacBook air edition, we have innovated with our eye on simplification and value. Along the way we have wrestled with problems of scale, weight, power, and versatility. The the resolution of these struggles have delivered us to this point in time. We are at the dawn of an exponential leap in the Roost's design and performance.
This Spring the Roost will once again head to kickstarter for a launch of our new injection molded design. The new Roost is
- lighter
- stronger
- thinner
- height adjustable
- and compatible with every laptop and notebook on the market today.
We want to reconstruct every student, professional, and artists relationship with technology. We are confident the new Roost will do just that. Submit your email on our homepage or contact page for first chance to order.
IMPORTANT: The Roost will not be sold until our launch on kickstarter. All press and customer service inquiries can be made to